
Nourish. Cultivate. Balance your Body.

HCKM: Trauma-Informed Somatic DeArmouring Bodywork

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The Gift of Somatic DeArmouring

Holistic Chi Kung Massage (HCKM) is a somatic de-armouring, full-body Tantra massage designed to cultivate healing and restore the body’s vitality.

It supports and activates the emotional body’s restorative abilities through physical and energetic body layers, helping your body function at its optimal level by enhancing blood flow, circulation, and life force energy (chi).

This is achieved through slow, focused muscle manipulation, lymphatic and fascial movement, and the application of pressure points aligned with the emotional energy meridian lines from the ancient Daoist tradition. The process helps release stagnant and dormant emotional energy caused by trauma, tension, stress, and anxiety. 

Here are a few reasons why this massage is so needed:

  • To help release/remove trauma, tension, and stress
  • To help release stagnant emotional energy
  • To help re-learn to be kind and loving to yourself
  • To help open and move out physical blocks
  • To help reconnect disrupted energy
  • To help allow and invite an emotional letting go
  • To help release body shame and negative conditioning
  • To help release toxins in your lymph nodes
  • To help re-connect to your body and pleasure
  • To help you better understand what healing touch feels like
  • To help care for and maintain optimal wellness and vitality
  • To help you lovingly nurture your feminine/masculine self, etc.,

Cultivate Healing. Nourish & Balance the Body

When Your Body and Energy Systems are Disrupted or Blocked

  • Do you notice yourself irritated for no reason, emotionally blocked, shields and armour are up creating a disconnection with yourself and your partner?
  • Are you challenged with asking for what you want and desire because of guilt, fear, and shame?
  • Do you experience physical pain, tension, and numbness, and have difficulty receiving intimate touch because you have armoured your body from past trauma to not feel?
  • You notice patterns of self-sabotage to avoid intimacy with yourself and your partner because it is connected to negative moments from your past bringing about low libido and loss of desire.
  • As a partner, you want to help and find yourself at a loss because you do not know what to do for your partner who has a tremendous amount of body tension and does not know how to activate her/his energy to release/heal it.

Over a prolonged time, this leads to ill health and a drop in your vitality. Experiencing emotional and psychological issues, low libido, physical pain, challenges with connecting and loss of fulfillment. Rippling negatively into your everyday; work, finances, relationships and intimacy.

By unlocking your armoured body and energy you can …

  • Acheieve a more holistic healing with long lasting benefits
  • Transform hidden emotional blocks, and releases physical pain and numbness.
  • Enhance your body awareness, clarity of mind and heart connection to ask for what you need and desire.
  • Release trauma, relieve physical tension and rejuvenate your body to create more orgasmic awareness.
  • A new-found approach to connection and intimacy with curiosity and joy with yourself and if applicable, with your partner.
  • Create deeper connection and intimacy with your partner who now has a way to connect and help you heal and release hidden emotional blocks.
  • and much more.


Photo of candle, Towel and massage oil

The Gift of Somatic DeArmouring

Giving you the gift of knowing you can connect authentically to happiness and pleasure which equals joy in techni-colour and surround sound. Rippling this activated awareness of joy into the way you live and love everyday, and your approach to your health, finances, relationship and intimacy with yourself and your partner.

I too have had the sad experiences of life that eventually forced me to face the music of my existence as I was tired of half living my life. Disconnected and going through the motions of pretending to be present with myself and relationships. I decided to gain body awareness, healing activation and to honour and release my emotionally armoured body blocks.

Blocks that were created from my past trauma and present negative emotional and physical experience(s). Whether they were small, compounded, residual, or acute or something in between. I came to know that over time these negative experiences become an armour of dormant energy that manifests as pain or numbness or disconnection in my body. With that in mind I sought out this modality of which I added the sacred loving approach of Tantra to help me redefine my connection to myself, life and relationships.

My first experience brought about tears as if a faucet was turned on and needed to release excess water. I asked to learn this modality over 10 years ago and now offer personal sessions and teach/train others interested in connecting, healing and caring for their body personally and professionally.

    More than the physicality …

    More than the physicality of muscle massage, it simultaneously includes energy movement.  Think of the person giving the massage as a body mechanic working on the exterior, under the hood and undercarriage. The person receiving, is the car coming in for full maintenance and care session.

    This full-body holistic Chi Kung massage (HCKM) is from ancient China. It’s a 4,000 + year old healing style of massage. Emperors were given as a secret practice to cultivate vitality and sexual health. It employed Chi Kung (Qi Gong) principles. Chinese masters shared with the emperors how to create connection in their intimacy and deepen their sacred spirituality.

    The transformational healing of this massage practice combines the study of the orgasmic healing state (not climax, to be clear), a deep body relaxation and flow of chi(qi) known as life force energy.

    This massage style will result in an understanding and clearly defined confident knowing and listening to your body and your partner’s body. Learning an approach that honours and holds sacred space for a trauma release and transformation to happen. Creating an empowering sacred experience with respect, honour and trust. Connecting and embracing yourself, and your partner’s embodied aliveness and joy!

    My intention is to help you connect to your entire body. Learn to self-heal and be healed by someone you trust. Shift, release and move towards living fully!


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